3 important habits for emotional wellbeing.
3 Habits to maintain emotional wellbeing.
“He has made all things beautiful in His time” Ecclesiastes 3:11
Have you ever been in a situation that was difficult?
Have you ever lost a job, a loved one or had someone hurt you?
Throughout life we are all going to face different circumstances that are hard and its important to build habits that help to build strong emotional health.
If you don’t build healthy emotional habits, its easy to feel like life is falling apart when you face something hard.
Here are the 3 most important habits to build emotional wellbeing.
1. Processing
When you experience pain in life its really easy to push it aside and distract yourself and try to forget it, but eventually you are going to have to process it. The best thing to do when you experience something difficult or challenging is to process it. Talk about it with a trusted friend. Write down what you are feeling and thinking. Its important to acknowledge what has happened, so you can process it, so you can move on.
2. Forgiveness
The best and quickest way to move on from an emotional hurt, is to forgive. I have experienced this many times in my life. Someone has wronged me, and it was so easy to hold on to the things they said or their actions, but I have found that the best thing to do is forgive quickly and let God bring healing to the hurt and pain. Throughout your life you will need to forgive others and the sooner you can learn to build the habit of forgiveness into your life, the stronger you will become in your emotional health.
3. Letting go
An important part of the process of living an emotionally healthy life is to let go of the past. If you have processed an event or emotional pain, and got healing in that area, your next step is to let go of everything that has happened and move on towards what is ahead. You don’t want to waste your life thinking about the past, when you have such a great life ahead of you.
“But I focus on this one thing: forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead” Philippians 3:13b
Wherever you are on your journey of healing and building strong emotional habits, I want to encourage you to keep moving forward and to ask God’s help as you build habits to become an emotionally healthy person.