Building the habit of rest.

Building the habit of rest.

A few years ago, I felt worn out, run down and lacked energy. I was busy with life, and I didn’t really have a day where I wasn’t busy with something.

Have you ever felt like this? Have you ever felt like you are just running from one thing to the next?

Its easy for our lives to get busy, and sometimes things like looking after ourselves, eating healthy and getting good sleep fall by the wayside.

I wanted to make a change in my life, so that I could start my week feeling motivated, positive and strong. I read a book about habits, and starting doing research on how to build daily habits. I discovered that I needed to have a morning or a day a week that was dedicated to rest. I also realized that I needed to start saying no to activities that filled up my time, and spend some more time doing things that helped me recharge and fill up my tank.

I started by taking a morning off any activities and just resting. I started going for a walk, and I had a nap and did things that made me feel good.

As I started to build the daily habit of rest into my life, and slow down, I started to feel more energetic, motivated and positive. I started to look forward to my “rest day” and I can honestly say that taking time away from activities, helped me to slow down and enjoy my life so much more.

This habit of rest has really made a big impact on my overall well-being, and I believe it will do the same for you.

So, what can you do this week to start building the habit of rest?

This week I want you to sit down with a piece of paper and write down 1 thing that you can start doing daily that will help you rest. Just focus on building one habit at a time. Put that piece of paper on your bathroom mirror, as a reminder, and everyday incorporate that habit of rest into your life.

I know that as you start to build the habit of resting into your life, it will have a positive impact on your mind, body and soul.