God is doing a new thing. 

God is doing a new thing.

“He who was seated on the throne said, I am making everything new” Revelation 21:5

When I was younger, I had a couple of outfits that I absolutely loved wearing. I had a pink and green t-shirt and some purple shorts that were my favourite. At the time it was hard to imagine that I was going to grow out of these clothes and had to buy new ones. But eventually I grew too tall and I didn’t fit them anymore. I bought a new wardrobe and to my surprise I really enjoyed wearing my new clothes.

Throughout our lives, we are going to go through different stages of health, jobs, finances, family, friendships and hobbies. Sometimes its easy to hold onto what we have know in the past, and stay focused on it, rather than looking ahead to the future.

“The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness, his mercies are new every morning” Lamentations 3:22-23

Althoughout God’s word there are stories and verses about new beginnings, new chapters of life or seasons. 

Sometimes things end in our lives and we weren’t prepared for it, and it is hard to let go of what we have known or loved.

I love this verse in Hebrews 10:12 that says “Plant the good seeds of righteousness, and you will harvest a crop of love. Plow up the hard ground for your hearts, for now is the time to seek the Lord, that he may come and shower his righteousness upon you”.

God always has something new that he wants to do in our lives, he has new people he wants you to meet, new places he wants you to go, new hobbies to enjoy, new food to taste.

You have talents, abilities, skills, life experiences, connections and finances to use as a resource to bless others and “sow seeds”.

God has given each of us a purpose and a plan for our lives. For us to be able to fulfil what he has on our lives, we need to realize the seeds God has given us to sow.

Regardless of what stage of life you are in, there is something new God has instore for you.

He has new vision, new friendships, new joy, new strength, new desires, new revelations, and new opportunities to love others.

There are different seasons of our lives, and God wants us to transition into what he is doing, and embrace what he wants to do in us and through us. 

I used to work in primary schools with young people, teaching them how to sew. I really enjoyed showing them how to learn a new skill, and watching them excel in it. I really enjoyed spending time with them and encouraging them to pursue their creative passions. I thought I would be working in schools for years and that would be something I would always do. But I did it for a few years, and then God gave me another opportunity to do something else, and I had to let go of what I had previously done and be open to what God wanted me to do.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come, the old has gone and the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17

God has given you “seeds” to sow in your lifetime. He specifically made you and was purposeful about the appearance, personality, skills, talents and your life experience.

Everything you have can be used as “seed” to sow a new harvest.

In your lifetime you have the opportunities to sow these seeds wherever you are and whatever you do.

Maybe you have a gift to encourage others, and your “seeds” are using your words to life and build up others.

Maybe you have a gift to cook and bake and your “seeds” are to bless others with hospitality.

Maybe you have a gift to be creative and your “seeds” are to build and create new things.

What seeds do you have and how can you sow them? How does God want you to use what you have to give glory to him, bless others and fulfil God’s purpose for your life?

Don’t look back to all the things you have done in the past. Its time to ask God to show you the new opportunity he has ahead for you.

Whatever stage of life you are in, God has something new for you. 

Its time for a new beginning for you.

Its time to ask God what seeds he wants you to sow.

Its time to explore new opportunities, and grow in your faith, your trust in God and to impact and connect with new people.

You were born at this time of life for a reason. Your skills, abilities and talents are so valuable. You have something special to share with others.

God has a purpose for you, and you are the only one that can fulfil the assignment he has for your life.

What seeds do you have that God wants you to sow in this time of life?

What is the new thing that God wants to do in you and through you? 

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland” Isaiah 43:19