What Christmas means to me.

What Christmas means to me.

"She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save the people from their sins"

Matthew 1:21

"And you will have joy and gladness and many will rejoice at his birth"

Luke 1:4

I love Christmas. I love the opportunity to give to others, I love singing Christmas carols, and I love that this time of year we get to think about the birth of Jesus and what that means to us.

It is very easy to get caught up in buying presents, Christmas movies and all of the fun activities, and forget the reason why we celebrate Christmas.

I love setting up a little nativity scene in my son's room around this time of year, to remind us all of the birth of Jesus, and the beautiful story of how he was born.

Christmas to me is a time of hope. When Jesus was born, it brought hope to everyone, and that hope is still available to us today. Whatever situation you might be facing this Christmas, I pray that you would look to God to fill you with his HOPE and strength.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” Romans 15:13

Christmas is a great reminder to us all that we still need a Saviour, we still need forgiveness, we need grace, strength and we need his guidance in our everyday lives.

This Christmas, take some time away from the busyness of everything to reflect what Christmas means to you.

Its a great time to sit down and reflect on the year that has just been and think over all the things that you are thankful for, all that God has done and start to look forward to what God has for you next year.