Why you need a personal vision for your life.
Why is it so important to a personal vision for our lives?
Proverbs 29:18 says “Where there is no vision, the people will perish, but he that keeps the law, happy is he”
I really enjoy planning trips and holidays, and when I plan my trips I write down where I want to go, what I want to do and how I need to get there. I plan my trip out, book the tickets, accommodation and everything else I need. Imagine if you wanted to go on a holiday, but you didn’t book anything, and you turned up on the day and just took whatever flight was available!
Who knows where you would end up! Its like that in our lives!
If we don’t write down where we are going and what is ahead, we won’t get there. It is essential for you to write down your goals, plans and purpose and break that down into easy action steps for you to take every day.
Habbakak 2:2 says “And the Lord answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.”
Do you know that you are 42% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down?
It is a way that we keep ourselves accountable for what we want to achieve.
Every year for many years, I would try to make plans and goals for my life and I would do a few of them, but I would never really achieve what I wanted to.
This all changed when I started to read books about daily habits. I listened to podcasts and messages about how building small habits everyday and being consistent was so important to personal growth, and for me it has been the key that helped me change my life.
I think we all want to make changes in our lives and be better by the time we finish the year, but we think it means we have to make big changes. I started doing 1 habit at a time, every day, and then started another habit, then another one. All of the habits I started were things that would help me work towards my goals. Years later, I have achieved my goals and now my life is full of daily habits that I do without even thinking.
There are so many great resources on building daily habits in our lives. Here are a few books that I would recommend.
Craig Groeschel - The Power to Change
God has given each of us a purpose and a plan for our lives. He has given us a future and vision for what he wants us to achieve.
Writing down your personal vision will help you decide how you live your life and the important things to work on.
I started writing down 3 things that I want to do every day that would help me achieve the vision God has given me for my life.
I put them on my wall and I see them everyday, and it reminds me constantly what I need to do to stay on track.
Since I started writing down my goals in a simple form, I have seen a significant change in achieving them.
My 3 main goals for this year are:
Eat healthy, exercise, get to bed early.
Build a healthy, strong, fun family and marriage
Meditate on Gods word, pray, and fast.
When we don’t have a vision for the future ahead, its easy to look at our past, and our memories, and our achievements, and get stuck.
If we want to achieve our goals and change, we need to get a clear vision for what's ahead of us.
Most of us write down new goals and resolutions when a new year begins and usually forget about them a few months later. Why? Because unless our goals are in front of us, we forget about them. Sometimes its easy to set "vague" goals like get healthy, lose weight, change my career. We need to write down goals that are practical and that we can work on every day.
We need to set goals for things that are easy to achieve and have specific outcome.
Writing down your goals, and making progress daily, helps you stay on track and feeling motivated.
Another thing that I did was to make a 'Vision Board'. I first heard about this when I was listening to a podcast from Terri Savelle Foy.
Here is a link to a great book she wrote about vision boards.
Terri Savelle Foy - Dream it. Pin it. Live it.
She talks about how we need to see pictures everyday that remind us of the things we are working towards. I bought a notice board and printed out pictures of all the dreams I have, and the things that I am working towards. Every day I look at those pictures, and it reminds me of the dreams I have, and the reason why I am doing daily habits, and it helps my mind see those things as a reality, not just something in the future.
Today, I want you to sit down in a quiet place, with a piece of paper and a pen. Ask God to speak to you about your future, and the purpose he has for you.
Write down 3 things that you can do every day that can help you work towards the vision that God has given you for your life.