Why you need to know God's love for you.
Why you need to know God’s love for you.
What is the most incredible display of love you have ever experienced?
I have had many people show and display their love for me on many occasions, but probably the most special memory I have display of love that made a significant impact on me was when my husband bought a tree for me on our wedding day. He had written a beautiful card that communicated that our love is like a tree, and our relationship would continue to grow, blossom and flourish, just like the tree. We planted that tree at my parent’s property and every time I see it, my heart is filled with joy. The flourishing tree is a reminder of Dave’s love and commitment to me.
The Bible is a reminder of God’s love, commitment and faithfulness to us.
God wants us to know that we are totally secure in his love for us. Do you know that the word LOVE is mentioned 538 times in the Bible?
There is a great verse in the Bible in Jeremiah 31:3, it says “I have loved you with an everlasting love”.
Why do we need God’s love?
1. It creates security
The world that we live in is constantly changing. The prices of petrol, housing and food are constantly changing. Our environment is changing. People opinions of us can change over time and as we grow old, our bodies and our life changes. We need God’s everlasting love to hold onto and to build our lives on. We need a firm foundation to build our beliefs, values and life purpose upon. When we understand God and his love for us, it creates the security we all crave in the world we live in. We need the security of God's love if we want to be confident and secure. God’s word is full of his promise and truth for us, and his never ending love.
There was a story on the news this week about a large boat that got stuck in the middle of a big storm as it was sailing into the harbour to dock. All attempts to secure the ship to another ship and tow it out of the storm had failed, so they had to put the anchor down and secured the ship in the middle of the harbour, until the storm passed.
Just like that ship used its anchor in the middle of the wild weather, we can use the truth of God’s word and his promises to us to keep us grounded and anchored in him.
We need the example of a Heavenly Father’s love, because sometimes the people around us haven’t loved us. Its easy to receive God’s love for us, the way we have been treated by others. The problem it that most of us have at one stage in our lives been hurt or rejected by those around us. If we think of God’s love as conditional, we won’t fully receive the powerful and everlasting love that is available to us.
2. It shows us how to love others
John 13:34 says “as I have loved you, love one another”.
Lets face it, we all need an example of how to love others. Sometimes it is easy to love the people around us, and sometimes it is hard. We need God’s example of love to show us the Godly way to love others. All throughout Scripture there is stories of God showing his people love, mercy, grace, and kindness. As we remind ourselves of how God shows his affections toward us, it can be an inspiration of how we can create a life that reflects God’s love.
How did God show his love for us? Well, he gave his only son Jesus, who died on the cross, so we could be forgiven of our sins and have everlasting life. God’s love is sacrificial, it puts others first.
We can model God’s love to others by the way we talk to people, the things we do, our affection toward each other and how we treat people that are unkind to us.
When we have a revelation of how loved and cherished we are by our Heavenly Father, it is much easier to give our love to others.
How do we get a revelation of God’s love?
Through reading and meditating on God's word!
The Bible is full of God’s promise and truth of his unconditional love for you. His word is like a love letter for you to read over and over and discover how precious you are.
“The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you. He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing” Zephaniah 3:17
“But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” Romans 5:8
“You bless the godly, O Lord, You surround them with your shield of love” Psalm 5:11
“And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.” 1 John 4:16
Today, I want to encourage you to spend some time this week, meditating on verses about God’s love. Ask him to give you a fresh revelation of his everlasting, unconditional and perfect love for you.