The best skincare routine for women over 40.
The best skincare habits for woman over 40.
I turned 40 a few years ago and noticed that my skin had started to change. The products I was using to look after my skin didn’t seem to be working anymore! I decided I needed a new skin care routine.
Building the daily habit of looking after your skin is really important, especially in your 40’s.
I don’t have a lot of time to do a skincare routine in the morning, so I had to find a skincare routine that is quick and simple.
I believe the most important thing is to look after your skin, particularly your face. So here are a few things I do to help nourish, protect and revitalize my skin.
1. Wash your face
Every morning, I use a face wash to clean my skin. I wet my face, lather the cleanser on my face, then wash it off. I always feel so fresh after doing this! It’s a great way to start the day.
2. Moisturise
Its important to moisturise your face and help nourish your skin. Find a moisturiser that you can use daily and something that feels nice and light. I usually put a small amount of moisturiser in my hands and gently rub it into my face.
3. Sunscreen
Whether is a sunny day or raining, it’s a good idea to put sunscreen on, to protect your face from the UV rays, especially if you have fair skin. I found a moisturiser that has sunscreen in it, and some foundations also have sunscreen in them.
I believe if you do these 3 steps every day and start the habit of looking after your skin, particularly your face it will help you to feel fresh and look your best.
I know that ever since I started doing this skincare routine, it's really helped me skin look brighter.
Whether you have 5 minutes or half an hour for your skincare routine, just work out the right products for you, and do your best to take care of your skin!