Building the habit of meditating on God's Word. 

Building the habit of meditating on God's Word.

“Be transformed by the renewing of your mind, by the washing over of God’s word” Romans 12:2

A few years ago, I wanted to change my life. I wanted to lose weight, find clear direction for my life, and grow closer to God. 

I knew to change and transform my life, it began with my mindset and building a habit of thinking about positive things, and I knew the word of God was going to help me do that.

God’s word is one of the most powerful tools we have as Christians to use to transform our minds and lives.

 God’s word is full of encouragement, God’s word contains his plan and purpose for us, guidance, wisdom, comfort, peace, assurance, security, and everything we need to live a fulfilled, satisfied, life.

I started by writing down 3 verses on a piece of paper and I stuck them up on my bedroom wall. Every morning when I woke up, I would read them and think about them for a few minutes.

At lunch time I would read those verses again and think about them. Right before I went to bed, I would read those verses and think about them as I went to sleep.

Within a few weeks, I knew those verses well, and picked 3 more verses to read and meditate on.

I also started meditating on verses throughout moments of the day where I had spare time. I made a habit of meditating on God’s word as I was in the car, hanging out the washing and doing the dishes. I didn’t realize I had little pockets of time throughout the day, that I could use to build the daily habit of transforming my mind with God’s word.

After a few months of building these daily habits of meditating on God’s word throughout my day, I started to notice my thoughts were more positive, and my mindset had started to change.

It all started with one small daily habit of reading a verse.

Buidling new habits in our lives takes time, and the best way to build new habits is to put visual cues in our house, so that we will be reminded of that habit. 

Why do we need to build the daily habit of meditating on God's Word?

It keeps our mind focused on God. Its really easy all throughout our day to get distracted by different things. As we focus our mind on God's word, it helps us look to him for his guidance, comfort and help.

When we meditate on God's word, it helps to build new thinking patterns in our minds. As we read God's word, think about it, meditate on it, it brings us hope in anything we are facing.

When we build this habit of Biblical meditation, it trains our minds to think about things that are positive, and this improves our lives!

The best way to start with building this habit, is to find some verses that resonate with you, or what you are going through. 

Pick 3 verses, and write them on a piece of paper and put them where you can see them throughout your day. I put my verses on my bedroom wall and on my bathroom mirror and that really helps to remind me to read over them. 

This daily habit of meditating on God's word has transformed my mind and I have noticed a significant difference with my faith in God because of it.

"Keep the Book of the Law always on your lips, meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful" Joshua 1:8